EzCad2UNI User’s Manual
PDF is the abbreviation of the Portable Data File. Figure 4-18 is the demonstration of
PDF417 Barcode and Figure 4-19 of the Compress PDF417 Barcode. Figure 4-20 is the
parameter setting of the PDF417 Barcode.
Bar Height: the height of the barcode
Narrow Width: This refers to the width of the unit bar.
Level: the Error-Checking Level of PDF417 barcode, from 0 to 8
Lines and Columns: the lines and Columns of PDF417 barcode
Figure 4-18 shows a feature of a barcode with the row’s number is four and the column’s is four.
Figure 4-20 PDF417 parameter
2. Data Matrix Barcode:
Data Matrix is a kind of two-dimensional barcode based on Matrix, and currently there are
two types: Ecc000-140 and Ecc200. EzCad2 supports Ecc200 at present.
Figure 4-21 shows the parameter setting of Data Matrix Barcode.
Figure 4-21 Data Matrix Barcode Parameter Setting
Figure 4-22 Data
Matrix Barcode
Figure 4-23 Data Matrix
Barcode Width
Data Matrix has various fixed size, and users can choose what they want. If the smallest
size is chosen, the system will automatically select the smallest frame to fit the all text users have
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